Pablo Gironés Office
Born in Ontinyent (València), he studied Architecture at the Universitat Politècnica de València and Economics at the Universitat de València. In 1996 he created, together with the architect Ramón Esteve, the company Babia Mobles, conceived for the edition of contemporary furniture. In 2000, the company was sold to Gandía Blasco S.A., becoming shareholders of the latter. Since then, Pablo Gironés has been part of the management team as Marketing and Product Manager. He is in charge of the image, creativity and product. He has created and carried out the projects for the company’s showrooms all over the world.
He currently works with several companies from different industries He also teaches some subjects related to Design Management, Strategy and Branding at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University and at the EASD in València.